"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Results of Chap 3 Quiz on Culture

Here are the averages for Chapter 3 before grading the extra credit short essay

ANT1001 - 2:30 Section
(20 students)
Class Average = 73%
Highest grade = 100pts
Lowest grade = 50pts

ANT1001 - 4:10 Section (38 students)
Class Average = 78%
Highest grade = 100pts
Lowest grade = 50pts

Oddly both sections got the best responses on Questions # 3, 11, and 21. Hmm? What do you think that means about what you learned as a group? How you learn as a group? What cultural factors contributed to this simultaneity of response?

3.Which of the following statements about culture is not true?
All human groups have culture
Culture is the major reason for human adaptability
Human groups differ in their capacities for culture
The capacity for culture is shared by all humans
Cultural learning is uniquely elaborated among humans

11.Which of the following is a cultural generality?
Life in groups
The use of fire
Incest taboo
Use of symbols
Nuclear family

21. By definition, a symbol has an intrinsic and natural link to the thing it signifies.


Kyra Gaunt, Ph.D. said...

Test. I think the reason people are doing well or not doing well has everything to do with how well they are studying.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason most got the questions riight is... Just because the did. lol It doesnt mean anything. But i do agree that the percentage in terms of class avg would increase if ppl maybe just read the chapters and read for understanding not just to get it done.

Anonymous said...

The first quiz I took, I honestly didn't study and I bombed the quiz with over half wrong. The second quiz, I took the time out to study by highlighting the important facts and rewriting them on paper and I got a 90. I realized that everything on the quiz is written in the textbook so all you have to do is take the time out to read and understand the topic and it isn't so difficult as long as effort is put in.

EunJi Kim said...

EunJi Kim

We had two quizes already. So far, I did not get the good grades because honestly, I did not study hard and I just tried to memorize everything without understanding.
It was my mistake. So for the next quiz, I will try to understand the chapter and use study skilles that we had discussed Last Tuesday.