Thursday, October 11, 2007
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"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)
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Intriguing Video. To add to Darnell's idea, I think that's a fantastic idea.
i think that the whole obesity issue is insane. americans really need to watch what they eat and stop feasting on mcdonalds. the rest of the worlds countries does not have this problem simply because they watch what they eat. this shows the irrisposiblilty of americans. although obesity may be linked to genetics, this should give people a greater reason to watch their weight and what they eat.
this video is very informative, i mean i already knew about eating disorders but this video took it to another level. i wonder is america the only country that has problems with obes really.
To learn more about how the world is eating check out this TED TALK video
In a sobering 3-minute talk, Dr. Dean Ornish tracks the dramatic spread of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease around the globe -- as people outside the US start to eat, live and die like Americans do. "This may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter lifespan than we do," Ornish says. The good news? These trends are preventable and even reversible through diet and exercise.
Here's the missing link from my previous comment
Dr. Dean Ornish: The world now eats (and dies) like Americans
I love this video and the Ted talk about the revolution about the human being. American is famous for their fat. Before i came here, my friends warned me to watch my weight so i won't be a pig. Actually, the American food has good nuitrition in it, the people here just addicted to the fast food. I just confused about why the ice cream here is so sweet.The most healthy eat style is Japanese cuisine. Fish, rice, almost no oil, I think this is the reason why Japanese people do have long life.
This is a great video. Growing up in VA I was always around Farms and my family grew alot of its own food. I personally dont think that america has a problem with obesity I think that americans have a problem with eating correctly. I personally watch everything that goes into my mouth and try to eat healthy unprocessed foods at all times. My parents whatched what they fed me and i always was given good food and told to eat good home grown food. with the resources we have today it is not hard to eat locally grow products at every meal. I think the major problem this country has is it is to lazy to eat healthy and the consequences of that are being fat.
In this day and age America is combating a bigger disease even bugger than the war in Iraq and that is obesity. More and more Americans are becoming more obese. The world and they way that we live in today is filled with starch and fatty foods especially fast food. Americans find it easier to order Chinese food or Mc Donald’s for a whole week than to spend 30 minutes in the kitchen cooking up something health. However obesity is not just hitting adults but it is also taking its toll on the younger generation. Kids spend 8 hours a day in school and for lunch instead of being served a healthy meal they are being served fast food that is high on sodium and cholesterol level. Lack of exercise is also a helping factor in the obesity in this country, sometimes people just don’t do exercise because they are tired or because they have no time or whatever the case maybe we are just taking in the calories and the fats and not doing anything o combat it at least. According to the movie “Supersize Me” there is 87 Mc Donald’s on the little island of Manhattan. There was a time where America was that fattest country in the world with the heights percentage but now the biggest one is Mexico. Americans have to do something that will eventually open up their eyes and would help them not focus on the processed food but the healthy ones. When you go into a supermarket the way that things are layed out has a lot to do with what you by and what you see. In almost every supermarket the fresh fruit and vegetable section are with in the first two rows and then from that point on its all processed food. Not many of us notice the little details like that. Another thing is how things are stocked on the shelves. The fattier and less healthy stuff is placed at eye level so that when you see it draws your attention and the healthier stuff is towards the bottom of the shelf. We need to so something about our health because if we keep on disregarding the issue of our eating habits it can end up deadly.
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