"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Chapter 9: Gender

Each person found ways of expressing gender roles or stereotypes:

This video shows typical stereotypes:

Here are two different societies and how they work:

The Irish Society:

  • The role of men is to complete tasks that involve fixing and lifting things and are usually more of a disciplinarian to their children than their mother.
  • Women are more likely to take up chores such as cooking and are usually more affectionate to their children than their father.
  • However, there seems to be less of an opportunity for women to advance in the workforce when compared to the United States.
  • The media portray all Irish men as alcoholics who come home after a night at the bar to abuse their wives.

The Dominican Society:

  • The Dominican culture is more acceptance of a patriarchy system.
  • Men are usually viewed to tend to public matter of working, politics and social events.
  • Women are inferior in those aspects and are responsible for extra domestic activities.
  • All women does is cook, clean, attend their sons and cater to her husband when he comes home.
  • When going out, men are the ones who drive, chose the venue and had control over all household activities and decisions.
  • Society views men control normal, the husband would be viewed as less of a man and criticized in the community.
  • Along with sexual behaviors, society allows men to have more than one partner; in some instances it is praised.
  • Yet if a female was to have more than one partner she is instantly a hoe.
  • Most Latin cultures view men superior over women socially, politically and economically.

Here are pictures from Senegal:

All cultures are different, view the culture you came from and share how different your culture is. Also think about this, what is the difference between gender stereotypes and gender roles?


venus89 said...

Gender stereotypes are simple and might be untrue but are witnessed. Gender roles are what society tells us we should do based on whether we are female or male. I believe that gender roles are influenced by gender stereotypes. No one ever has a set role in society, but as human beings we live our lives by doing what is expected.

mikedunn said...

regardless the culture, I think gender stratification in general has become more balanced in terms of who has the control over household decision making. Obviosly, there are still exceptions.....

Jacks_Shenanigans said...
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Anonymous said...

this is steve, i actually forgot how to write my username. i really like this video, its funny however, you stop laughing for a second, take a step away, and realize its absolutely true.

Kyra Gaunt, Ph.D. said...

Although the video is funny and may seem true generally speaking, it is not a universal and thus the danger of stereotyping is assuming all people are like X or Y in a category.
Many humans lie but thinking they all lie is not necessarily useful in many contexts.

I like what I found in this article:

"Webster's New World Dictionary defines stereotypes as:

" ... an unvarying form or pattern; a fixed or conventional notion or conception, as of a person, group, idea, etc., held by a number of people, and allowing for no individuality, critical judgment..."

The term stereotype was first used in the 18th century to describe a printing process designed to duplicate pages of type.

"Stereotype means to cast a person in a preset mold -- to deny individuality. The word comes from a copying process invented in 1725."
The Engines of Our Ingenuity, John H. Lienhard, University of Houston"

Alex Kushnerov said...

I think that there is a slim difference between gender roles and gender stereotypes. Why should society define what role you must take in it. You should do what you love and are good at no matter if the job is assigned to another gender. Also gender roles are clearly social constructs because different cultures have different expectations of men and women. The sad thing is that through enculturation children learn what is proper for a man and what is proper for a women and then any deviation from that standard would obviously lead to hate. That is why children should be taught that there is no standard or any particular role they should assume but do what makes them happy.

Unknown said...

The video was interesting and almost all the different scenerios were true for our culture but we have to understand that it's not like that for everyone, the video is protraying stereotypes. People of different genders act differently in diffent societies. People must understand that gender is learned by the influences of society while sex is the biological, or the way you are born.

Anonymous said...

the video clearly points out the fact that the gender are pretty similar in all industrial societies because we are worried about the same issues most of time(money,food,sex...).However,the impact of gender role takes another dimension in nonindustrial society because the do not have to deal with the same issues and have another sense of what is imprtant and what is not. The consequencies can lead to completely different things that can seem shocking at the beginning but really clear when you take time to take a look of how they believe to certain things different from our priorities.

Anonymous said...

As i discover the picture of an african queen of the 17th century, i must revise that whole idea that gender in Africa was heavily male dominated, because A queen is the highest social class in the hierarchy, therefore a serious consideration of women value was reality, not a dream.



bluemoon said...

Although we may think gender roles are not as apparent today, they are still relevant. From works like "Feminine Mystique" we realize how our concepts of the female gender have changed. I think in turn it shows how society is ever changing. Though we may be satisfied with out status quo as women today,there is still much more to accomplish. So gender is not static and defined; in a country like Peru where men had more power since the colonial times, has changed over the past years. In the countryside, women were believed to be un-educated and inferior, they too have started to participate in the public sphere, even though many men oppose it.
- Cynthia Via

Zhao xue said...

I like the video. But i think the sterotype always works. Sometime it is because of biology,phisically. You can't change the truth that the women is emotional and dependence than men. The women prefer to stay with their kids than go out to work. I had a friend who is 16 and has a daughter. I ask her what is the feeling to be a mom, she said, she want to stay with her daughter all the time, but her boyfriend just sees the baby twice a week and don't pay for her. That is the difference between a man and a woman.

Anonymous said...

This vidoe is so meaningful.This shows the exact difference between a man and a woman.For example the shopping part is so true.Women could alwayz visit every other store whereas man would just go and get what they need.Therefore,this shows the differences between the gender-a man and a woman.

kvasquez said...

This video is the perfect example of gender stereotypes and gender roles. People tend to come to conclusions based on a persons gender, when in fact there are many things that are done by both male and females. Although some of the clips from this video are found to be true, there are some that may vary.
Examples of this from the video are:
*Men cry! There are guys that cry their hearts out. Men are human beings also. There is a limit to how much they can hold back. Ive seen men cry all the time. The simple fact that women may tend to be somewhat more affectionate at times or emotional doesn't mean that men don't do it too.
*I have guy friends that take forever to pick something out. They look around various stores and don't know what to pick. Whether they are metrosexual, homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual men have the same tendencies that girls have. Some men love to look good and pay much mind to what they wear.
*Many men take longer than girls to get ready to go out. They tend to look in the mirror for hours especially if they "think" they are somehow attractive.
*The diet factor depends on each person. Not every female and male have the same eating habits that is portrayed for their gender.

Gender roles are influenced by gender stereotypes. Gender roles tend to be based on what society considers normal actions executed in a male or female.

Anonymous said...

Stereotypes are jus out there to have somethng to talk about. The stereotypes might relate to a a majority of people but not everyone. I can't relate to anyone of the stereotypes shown in the video about girls.
- i never take more than 20 mins to get ready but brother takes aan hr.
- i hate shopping.
-i had short hair my entire childhood.
-i hate cooking. I'd rather have soembody cook for me or get food from outside.
- Most of the ppl with whom i hang out and are my good freinds are boys.

and there are many more and i am sure there are some girls out there whoc an realet tot his and are completely opposite of what the stereotypes portray them to be.

Rave said...

Oh this video was hilarious. Loved it for the fact that it redefined the gender stereotypes already present in the society. While some of them may be true, we cannot conclude that everyone is an image of that stereotype. Everyone is unique.

StAr89 said...

The difference between stereotypes and gender roles is as follows. Stereotypes are characteristics that are associated with all members of a social group. Gender roles are simply the responsibilities that a culture assigns to each gender. The video definitely provides a funny and true demonstration in illustrating the diversity between men and woman.
~*Ashley Wright*~

cgdsdrn said...

Great video. It makes you question some of the stereotypes related to gender. Why are some things acceptable for one sex and not the other? Quite a funny too! Women in the Middle East are mostly Muslim- They have few choices in their lives. Women in the West are struggling for freedom and equality - I think women who want to care for and raise a family at home should be praised. But women who want a life and career should be free to decide their own future.

Richard said...
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Anonymous said...

This video is funny because everyone can relate to at least some of the things shown in the clip. It shows traditional gender roles and sterotypes in American society. Although all sterotypes have some grain of truth to it, one should not expect everyone to be like that. Also gender roles I think arent as set in stone as they used to be. For example a lot of single mom celebs have a manny taking care of their children. Is that a traditional male role as a job? Also I think my mom makes more money than my dad.