"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dominican Culture and Values

I saw the previous post and felt that it did no justice in introducing what the Dominican culture is really about. Here is a perfect description from wikipedia; not to broad and not to specific:

Relationships and communication

Ethnologist's say that Dominicans practice particularist, as opposed to universalist, social ethics. By this, they mean that family networks and friends are more important than universal rights. As a practical matter, this means that Dominicans are more likely to achieve gains through who they know rather than by following strict rules or procedures, the latter being what people in universalist-ethics countries do. Dominicans depend on social savvy, trust, indirect communication, and consensus. These values are reflected in popular sayings like "everything is done through the help of others" and despues de la excusa, nadie se queda mal or "desde que se invento la excusa, nadie queda mal" (After the excuse was given, everybody got along fine.)

Dominicans are gifted at the art of indirect communication. The phrases "no hay problema" (There's no problem) "es usted que sabe" (It's you who knows, meaning "I hear you, and while I'm not sure I agree, I'm not going to argue") are popular and heavily used manners of deflecting disagreement. In the small society which is "the Dominican Family," it is highly important that people not embarrass each other nor be seen to act with malice. Ideally, one wishes to develop "confianza" with as many people as possible. Again, who one knows is a much more important than any law or absolute standard of conduct.

Dominicans value openness, warmth, hospitality, and personableness. In rural parts of the country, residents may be seen offering complete strangers a meal or coffee. On public transportation, people start friendly conversations with people they don't know, in contrast to the norms of Europe or the United States. It is good Dominican form to be willing to converse with anyone, and good form to inquire about the health of one's acquaintances' family, even if one does not know the family. In the rural poor areas, anyone can reasonably expect to walk in to a house and be offered coffee or a meal, though the large urban areas are quite a contrast to this form of life.

I can personally attest to these few paragraphs. From life mentality to values and attitude, I posses all these qualities because that is how I have been raised. They made me into who I am and see much benefit in being that way. Because of this lifestyle I see my self as a strong, social and down to earth woman.

Just side not in regards to the last post about women being inferior I shall say this: Life to me is about family only because I want it that way. I am an Honors student and I know I can make a career in finance which I will do for a few years for financial purposes. But my sincere fulfillment of personal achievement is that of raising a family. Family is more important than anything in the world because when worst comes to worst, family will be there no matter what.

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