"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barack Obama: A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect Union
Watch Barack's speech on race in America and building a more perfect union.

3/22: Joel asked for a link to video of the Pastor's comments. It's from the Huffington Post blog. I also wanted to note that this is a non-partisan blog. I am in no way promoting any candidate in our class.


Anonymous said...

i'm really very inspired by this speech. Obama talks about something that most would ignore or quickly sweep under the rug. Although this speech makes me a little uncomfortable at first and seems like the usual rhetoric one hears when racial issues come up, Obama steps up and says that we need to fix the issue as a nation and fix it now. He denounces the actions of those he loves while still seeing the good in them, still standing by them for all that they have meant in his life and inspired him to accomplish. This is someone that I want running this country. I am tired of hearing discussions of race that get nowhere, tired of listening to solutions to many important problems in this country while one of the most vital, essential issues is ignored. And I think that regardless of what issue he is discussing, Obama will bring this idea of not retreating from the issue and dealing with it as it comes. Whether or not this accomplishes anything concrete, this ability, this choice that he makes will help change the hearts and minds of Americans. Experience or no experience, white, black or indifferent, Obama has the power to inspire people. This power may be the most important of all right now in this country.

-Veronica K.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was long! But this was one of the best speeches that I've ever heard, and I'm not exaggerating. Mr. Obama did what I didn't think he would do. He took the problem at hand head on and silenced the critics for the moment. Most politicians would have let the situation play itself out and hope that the people will eventually forget. But he didn't do that. He didn't sugar coat it too much either. What he described is the current "state of the union" in terms of race relations. Barrack Obama is well on his way to the white house.

Just one question: What was it that his former Rev said that made Obama do this speech in the first place? Can someone post the video?

Joel S.

Anonymous said...

joel, just check out youtube and type in anything related to the subject, even just Obama's pastor, or something like that. a whole bunch of videos will pop up. -Vero

Sean Dickenson said...

This speech shows that Barack is someone that comes around once a life time.

Anonymous said...

I loved Obama's speech. I have to admit when i first eared about the pastor's speech i was reluctant to judge Obama and his relationship with the preach. But i admit, it was wrong for me to do it. I do believe that Obama has a lot to give to our nation since he has such a diverse history, and he understand all sides of a story. As to the pastor, I hope he would learned that hate doesn't going to solve the issues in the world of today. Everybody are allowed to make mistakes by judging people and their actions but we also need to realize when is the right time to criticize and how to do it.

Nina Dekel

Anonymous said...

Its ironic, one of my previous professors once called me a visionary - one who believes in the purely idealistic or speculative; impractical; unrealizable (as defined by dictionary.com). After that class, I began to question the things I truly believed in, but Obama with this speach, has reinstated that "audacity to hope." I felt that Obama's diction was precise in terms of conveying the notion of a "more perfect union." It never once felt like he had more power or presitge, but rather that we' were equals. He repeatedly uses the first-person plural and also acknowledges that the construct of race cannot be destroyed with one election cycle/candidate. Obama also makes an effort to be all-inclusive. His speech left me inspired and it made me realize that as a Black male living in America, the Black community needs more role-models like Obama rather than the current saturation of Rappers/Basketball players.

Natalie said...

Once again another INSPIRING speech by Barack Obama. There is something about him that makes you WANT to listen every time he opens his mouth, because you know that every word that he speaks represents change in this country.

Unknown said...

Obama is the man. People all around the world find something interesting and inspiring in him. You do not see every day such a great speaker. He addresses every argument in a way where there is not place for angry words. Even thought, I believe he should taken some stronger-louder stands on debate with McCain. Obama may be new Kennedy...