"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong" (Richard Feynman)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Shift Happens 2.0 Video viewed by 5 million + Remix


An official update to the original "Shift Happens" video from Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, this June 2007 update includes new and updated statistics, thought-provoking questions and a fresh design. For more information, or to join the conversation, please visit http://shifthappens.wikispaces.com -- Content by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, design and development by XPLANE.

Check out this REMIX of Shift Happens 2.0 which is esp. compelling to students and teachers in US.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last Call for You To Blog by Mon Dec 17th

I said AMNESTY ends this Thursday, but I will extend it to Monday December 17th. By posting 6 (six) responses to six different posts (either the original post or a comment by another student), you will fulfill your requirement to post on this blog for the semester.

I see all the posts (the program sends them to my email). I will not reply. This is a space for dialogue among you all and the blog will continue next term. So feel free to come visit.


Which, do you think, is more powerful?
  1. Reading the posts below and sharing whether you think it's right or wrong, or
  2. Reading the posts and considering what etic (or scientist's) view of the subject you can discover
Which is more useful to the other readers of a blog about anthropology?
  1. Sharing your view based on emic (insider) experience, sharing a firsthand account, or etic (scientist's) interpretations, or
  2. Sharing your personal opinion without asking if it has any bearing on the new insights and knowledge you gained from the Kottak chapters, our discussions or your newfound power as an experienced "mini" ethnographer.
You be the judge and let that inform your responses as you read back over the posts below.

In the upper right column of the blog,
you can click the arrow next to the dates
under BLOG ARCHIVE to view the previous topics.